Our factory showroom and online store are in operation. See our Store Hours.
To shop docks/stairs, come by our factory store in beautiful downtown Naples, Maine. For an appointment with one of our sales consultants, please email us at sales@greatnortherndocks.com.
To shop docks and stairs remotely, go to “Quotes” under our main menu for our simple questionnaire that will direct us toward how we can best serve you and quote the dock or stair system you’re interested in. For Southern Maine and nearby New Hampshire towns, we offer an onsite survey and professional consultation service to add confidence that your choice will meet your expectations.
To shop hardware – we offer local pickup or direct shipping depending on the product. Hardware is available here.
Local pickup service is at our factory showroom. We can also ship most of our hardware and accessories direct. Visit our online portal under “Shop” in the main menu. At checkout, upon completing your order, you can choose “Flat Rate” for UPS shipping direct to you or “Local Pickup” to have shipping charges waived. Some large accessories are not offered under the “Flat Rate” shipping service. Please email us (sales@greatnortherndocks.com) for a freight quote on the item of interest.